American Welding Society

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GMAW AND FCAW  Gas Metal Arc Welding and Flux Core Arc Welding:


No Level Module Course Name Theory Hours Lab Hours Total Hours
01 Welding Level One 01 Module Introduction to Welding.  5   5
02 Welding Level One 02 Welding Safety 10   10
03 Welding Level One 03 Welding Symbols and Drawings 10 0 10
05 Welding Level One 05 GMAW- Gas Metal Arc Welding 10 60 70
04 Welding Level One 08 Oxyfuel Cutting 10 5 15
05 Welding Level One 09 Welding Quality 10 0 10
  Included YES Welding Certificate in FLUX CORE ARC WELDING     120
  Included YES Diploma      
  Included YES Metals, Disc, Wire, Electroades,      
  NOT included   OSHA 30 30    
  Not included   Fork Lift 03    


Equipment and Filler Metals - AWS Module 5 - Theory

OBJECTIVES: When you have completed this module, you will be able to do the following.

  1. Describe basic GMAW/FCAW Process. 
  2. Identify GMAW/FCAW related safety practices.
  3. Describe the FCAW metal transfer process.
  4. Describe GMAW and FCAW equipment and explain how to prepare for welding.
  5. Identify common GMAW / FCAW welding equipment.
  6. Describe power source control considerations.
  7. Identify and describe welding cables, and terminations.
  8. Identify and describe external wire feeders and their controls.
  9. Identify and describe GMAW and FCAW guns, contact tips, and nozzles.
  10. Identify various shielding gases and their related equipment.
  11. Explain how to set up welding equipment for GMAW and FCAW Welding.
  12. Identify various GMAW and FCAW Welding.

GMAW - PLATE - Module 6 - Theory

SENSE OBJECTIVES:  When you have completed this module, you will be able to do the following.

  1. Identify GMAW-related safety practices and explain how to set up for welding.
  2. Describe basic GMAW processes.
  3. Identify GMAW-related safety practices.
  4. Explain how to safely set up the equipment and work area for welding.'
  5. Describe equipment control and welding procedures for GMAW and explain how to produce basic weld Beads.
  6. Describe equipment controls and welding techniques related to GMAW.
  7. Explain how to produce basic GMAW weld beads.
  8. Describe the welding procedures needed to produce proper fillet and V-Groove welds using GMAW Techniques.
  9. Describe the welding procedures needed to produce proper fillet welds using GMAW welding, techniques.
  10. Describe the welding procedures needed to produce proper V-Groove welds using GMAW techniques.


Module Name Theory Hours Shop Hours   INCLUDED THIS MODULE
01 Introduction to the Welding Trade. 5 0 5 YES
02 Welding Safety 5 0 5 YES
03 Welding Symbols and Drawings 10 0 10 YES
  OSHA 30       NO
  FORK LIFT       NO

Module One - Introduction to the Welding Trade.

AWS SENSE 1- Introduction to the Trade:

 OBJECTIVES:  When you have completed the following module you will be able to do the following. 

  1. Identify the personal qualities that contribute to successful employment.
  2. Describe the historical qualities that contribute to successful employment.
  3. Identify the principals and purpose of Apprenticeship training.
  4. Identify employer and employee safety obligations.

Module Two - Welding Safety

AWS LEVEL ONE – MODULE 2. Welding Safety

Objectives: When you have completed this module, you will be able to do the following.

  1. Describe basic welding processes, the welding trade, and training / apprenticeship programs. A. Describe basic welding processes and the welding trade. B. Describe the NISVT - standardized training and explain apprenticeship programs.
  2. Identify and describe personal protective equipment (PPE) related to the welding trade.
  3. Identify and describe body, foot, and hand protective gear. B. Identify and describe ear, eye, face, and head protective gear.
  4. Identify and describe welding safety practices related to specific hazards or environments.
  5. Describe the importance of welding practices related to specific hazards or environments.
  6. Describe basic welding safety practices related to the general work area.
  7. Describe hot work permits and fire watch requirements.
  8. Describe confined spaces and related safety practices. E. Identify safety practices related to welding equipment. F Identify and describe respiratory hazards, respiratory safety equipment, and ways to ventilate welding work areas.

Module Three - Welding Symbols and Drawings


OBJECTIVE: When you have completed this module, you will be able to do the following.                                                                                                

  1. Identify and interpret welding symbols and their structure.
  2. Describe the structure and placement of welding symbols and identify basic symbols.                                                              
  3. Identify and interpret size and dimension markings for common types of welds.
  4. Identify and interpret less common welding symbols.    

    AWS SENSE MODULE 3 - Reading Welding Detail Drawings

    Hours: 5

    OBJECTIVES:  When you have completed this module, you will be able to do the following:                                                                                                

    1. Describe welding detail drawings and identify basic drawing elements and features.
    2.   Describe the object views used to depict welding details.                                   
    3. Identify basic drawing elements related to welding detail drawings.  2.  Identify and explain how to interpret dimensional information, notes, and bill of materials.                                                                 
    4. Identify and explain how to interpret dimensional information. 
    5.   Identify and explain how to interpret notes and a bill of materials.]


Module Nine - WELD Quality

Weld Quality - AWS Module 9

OBJECTIVES: When you have completed this module, you will be able to do the following.

  1. Identify and describe the various code organizations that apply to welding and their basic elements.
  2. Identify and describe the various code organizations that apply to welding and their Sponsoring Organizations.
  3. Identify and describe the basic provisions of welding codes.
  4. Identify and describe weld discontinuities and their causes.
  5. Identify and describe weld discontinuities and their causes.
  6. Identify and describe discontinuities that result from tracking.
  7. Identify and describe discontinuities related to joint penetration, fusion, and undercutting.
  8. Describe various non-destructive and destructive weld examination practices.
  9. Describe basic visual inspection methods including measuring devices and liquid penetrants.
  10. Describe magnetic particle and electromagnetic inspection processes.
  11. Describe the radiographic and ultrasonic inspection processes.
  12. Describe the destructive testing processes.
  13. Describe the Welder Performance Testing process.
  14. Describe the qualification of welders by position.
  15. Describe welder Qualification testing to meet AWS and ASME REQUIREMENTS.
  16. Describe the process for completing a weld test.


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